Whey powder is a dairy product derived from whey, which is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained during the cheese-making process. It is then processed into a dry, powder form through various methods. 

Shelf Life: 18 Months – 24 Months

Whey Powder

Sweet Whey Powder

Sweet whey powder is the regular whey powder that is obtained without additional processing. It contains a standard composition of proteins, lactose, minerals, and fats. Sweet whey powder is used in the food industry for its functional properties, including its ability to enhance the texture and flavor of baked goods, dairy products, and processed foods.   

Characteristics: Ash Max 8% – 9%, Protein Min 11%
Functional: Confectionery, Beverages, Ice Cream, Chocolate, Snacks

Demineralized Whey Powder 40

Demineralized whey powder undergoes a process to reduce the mineral content, particularly the ash content. This is achieved through ion exchange or ultrafiltration. Demineralized whey powder is often used in infant formulas and other specialized food products where lower mineral content is desired. 

Characteristics: Ash Max 5%, Protein Min 11%
Functional: Chocolate

Whey Protein Concentrate 35%

Whey protein concentrate (WPC) is produced by removing water, lactose, minerals, and some fats from whey. The 35% designation indicates the protein content. WPC 35% is used in various food applications for its protein content. It's suitable for products where a moderate protein concentration is desired. 

Characteristics:: Ash max 8 – 9%, Protein 34 – 37%
Functional: Ice Cream 

Whey Protein Concentrate 80%

WPC 80% undergoes a more extensive filtration process to increase the protein content to around 80%. WPC 80% is commonly used in sports nutrition products, protein supplements, and functional foods where a high protein concentration is crucial without significant amounts of fats and lactose. 

Characteristics: Ash Max 6%, Protein 80%
Functional: Protein shake, Nutritional drink

Milk Permeate

Milk permeate is a byproduct of the dairy industry that is obtained during the production of dairy ingredients such as milk protein concentrates and isolates. It is a liquid fraction derived from the ultrafiltration or microfiltration of milk. 

The process involves removing a portion of the lactose, minerals, and water from milk, leaving behind a concentrated mixture known as milk permeate.


Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk and dairy products. It is produced by concentrating and drying liquid whey, a byproduct of cheese production. 

1. Lactose 100 Mesh 
2. Lactose 200 Mesh