Milk powder is a product you get when you remove the moisture from regular liquid milk. The process involves evaporating the water content from milk, leaving behind a dry powder.

Milk powder has a longer shelf life compared to liquid milk, making it a convenient option for storage and transportation. It's a versatile ingredient used in a variety of culinary applications, from baking and cooking to making reconstituted milk for drinking.

Milk Powders

Skim Milk Powder/Non Fat Dry Milk Powder

Skim milk powder is essentially the low-fat version of regular milk powder. It's made by removing the fat content from liquid skim milk and then dehydrating the remaining liquid to obtain a dry powder. The result is a fine, white powder that offers a convenient and cost-effective way for food manufacturers to incorporate the nutritional benefits of milk into various products while extending their shelf life. 

Shelf Life: 24 Months
Characteristics: Fat Max.1.5%, Protein Min. 34%

High Heat Stable 
High heat skim milk powder is produced at a high drying temperature. High heat skim milk powder is often used in applications where the denaturation of proteins is not a significant concern, such as in some food manufacturing processes. 

Characteristics: WPNI Max. 1.5 
Functional: Retort srilised milk & milk products, including evaporated milk, baked goods

Medium Heat 
Medium heat skim milk powder is produced at an intermediate drying temperature. Medium heat skim milk powder is commonly used in applications where maintaining the original flavor and color of the milk is important, such as in some dairy products and baked goods. 
Characteristics: WPNI 1,51 – 5,99
Functional: Beverages, Ice Creams, Confectionery, Dry Mix Powder, Bakery, Yoghurts.

Low Heat
Low heat skim milk powder is produced at a low drying temperature. Low heat skim milk powder is typically preferred in applications where maintaining the closest possible flavor and color to fresh milk is crucial, such as in certain dairy products and beverages. 
Characteristics: WPNI Min. 6
Functional: Beverages

Infant Grade
Infant skim milk powder is a dairy product that is specifically formulated
for the nutritional needs of infants.

Full Cream Milk Powder/Whole Milk Powder

Full cream milk powder, also known as whole milk powder, is a product obtained by removing the water content from whole milk. The process involves evaporating the liquid from fresh milk, resulting in a dry powder that contains all the components of whole milk—proteins, fats, lactose, and minerals. Due to its rich flavor and nutritional profile, full cream milk powder is often chosen for its ability to enhance the taste and creaminess of dishes. It is widely used in the food industry for the production of dairy products, desserts, confectionery, and as a convenient option for consumers looking for a shelf-stable form of whole milk.  

Shelf Life: 24 Months
Characteristic: Fat Min. 26%, Protein Min. 34%
Functional: Beverages, Ice Creams, Confectonery, Bakery, Yoghurts, Reconstitution of Milk, Canning Operations

Fat Filled Milk Powder

Fat-filled milk powder is a dairy product that is created by blending skim milk powder with vegetable fats or oils. The addition of fats increases the overall fat content of the powder, making it a substitute for whole milk powder while offering some cost advantages.

It's important to note that fat-filled milk powder is not the same as whole milk powder in terms of its composition and nutritional content. It is designed to provide a cost-effective solution for applications where a lower-cost dairy product with a desired fat content is acceptable. 

Shelf Life: 24 Months
Characteristics: Fat 28% - 30% (Palm Oil)
Functional: Full Cream Milk Powder Substitute (Beverages, Ice Creams, Confectionery, Dry Milk Powder, Bakery, Yoghurts) 

Buttermilk Powder

Buttermilk powder is a dairy product that is derived from buttermilk through a drying process. It shares some characteristics with regular milk powder but has a distinct flavor and composition due to its origin from the liquid leftover after churning butter.  

Shelf Life: 12 Months 
Characteristics: Fat 4% - 13%, Protein Min. 30%
Functional: Sweetened condensed milk, ice cream, chocolate, dressings, baked goods